About Kayla Lewis
Basingstoke & Mortimer
My vision is a world of divine power, balance and trust. Where there is peace, love and harmony.
Where we know how powerful we are when we stand together.
I began my journey with Reiki back when I was 21 in 2021, and I was hungry for healing and spiritual knowledge. My life before Reiki consisted of a lot of painful behaviour patterns and repeated cycles of unhappiness and quite honestly, despair. Totally unaware at the time, I was living out of my trauma for most of my teenage life. I had problems with alcohol and drugs to cover up my pain which sent me into downward spirals of self-loathing, shame and guilt. I so desperately needed help, but I didn’t trust anyone and no one in my life at that time was capable or stable enough to give me what I needed. It got to the point where I was so sick of the way I was living, and it wasn’t until I met my now partner of 6 years that I realised just how deeply unhappy I was.
The first man who ever showed a genuine interest in me… of course that scared me to death, and I ran a mile! However, if you’ve ever heard of the golden string theory then that is what was happening here. Both of us knew (no matter how many times I tried to deny it in the beginning) that we had been put on each other’s path for a reason and that we felt deeply at home in each other’s company. He showed me parts of myself I didn’t know existed and gave me so many insights and awareness’s that hadn’t been there before.
After meeting Danny I knew that there were other people like me who existed. Spiritually inclined and wanted growth.
When I met Amber on NYE of 2020 something changed. The words “I feel like I know you” left my mouth and tears began to stream down my face. It was unexplainable the feeling I had and I just knew things were going to change for me. I had some healing with Amber before I took my level 1&2 initiation.
I had no idea what I was letting myself in for! The next 3 years I spent by Ambers side, receiving teachings most days. If we weren’t together in person, then we were talking on the phone. I was so hungry for the knowledge I couldn’t pull myself away. We were like magnets; she loved teaching, and I loved learning. It was incredibly intense but so rich and powerful. During these 3 years I sat with Ayahuasca for the first time which sent me into a deep healing process through the womb. 3 years later and only now do I feel I have fully integrated with that ceremony.
I had been working alongside Amber for 3 years, receiving spiritual guidance, healings and teachings it had come to the point where I felt I needed to spread my wings. When you are receiving so much from someone it can be easy to want to stay there, but I was ready now to stand on my own two feet. It was time to trust myself and really put the teachings into action.
From October 24-Jan 25 I had some time off giving healings to integrate with all that was happening and changing for me. I spent time in stillness, reflecting on the past 3 years (which was an initiation in itself by the way!). Something that came to me during this time was the question of ‘what do you want for yourself?’ Amber had asked me this back in 2021 at the start of my Reiki initiation… ‘I want to be empowered.’ Was my answer. I had no idea how much power my words held and the magical, painful and crazy journey it would take me on from that exact moment.
So now we get to 2025 where I am feeling more myself than ever, giving healings to those who are searching for it and continuing the crazy and slightly insane journey of life.
I am forever grateful for Amber and her teachings and for the deep and life changing healing that Multidimensional Reiki has brought me.
If you’d like to see more of my journey and connect with me, you can follow my social media pages.
Instagram: @kaylalewissoulhealing
TikTok: @kaylalewissoulhealing_