Multidimensional Reiki Therapy
Begin Your Healing Journey
Basingstoke & Mortimer
About Reiki
All life is vibrating on a multitude of different frequencies, and the Usui’s Reiki system is vibrating to the alignment and developments of the 7-chakra system.
'Reiki' is formed from two Japanese words - 'Rei' which means "God's Wisdom coming from the Sun's ray" and 'Ki' which is "life force energy".
From Japanese to English (God’s energy & light ray) energy healing with God’s guidance
Reiki is a simple way to align ourselves to the eternal, divine life-giving energy and intelligence. As we come into alignment our bodies and minds go into balance and harmony. Naturally, our health and well-being on all levels becomes restored.
Over time Reiki clears away anything that is not true or resonant to our authentic selves. Throughout the healing journey we can accept who we truly are, along with the challenges that life has presented. Transformation takes place when we allow the pain of our wounds to be witnessed and transcended. Through Reiki, we, develop the ability to root into the core and foundations of our being and as we do this we discover an inherent strength and wisdom, whereby obstacles are overcome with more ease and we can find courage and confidence in making healthy choices.
When we choose to heal, what we are actually doing is learning to grow into our true selves, to evolve, expand and purify our consciousness; we learn how to master ourselves into the art of successful living on earth. Eventually, we return home, to being fully aligned always with The Great Spirit, ‘God’.
You will see that the power of Reiki will show up in our relationships, jobs and our ability to become successful in many areas, our total inner and outer wellbeing can thrive.
Reiki practitioners open up to the healing energies through ancient Reiki symbols, these symbols are divine and they purify and harmonize life on multiple levels.
About Multidimensional Reiki
Since 2012 our planet and humanity have been exposed to ongoing light initiations, and we now are more open to a multitude of high vibrational frequencies, this is activating our energetic bodies and the energy body of the Earth.
Our consciousness evolves through our major Chakra system and there are 12 or more major Chakras being activated at this time.
The more commonly known 7 Chakra system, is aligned to our central nervous system and governs our physical being. The Chakras are affected by our emotional care and conditions of our environment.
When we spiritually evolve the Chakras become integrated with light frequency of the corresponding 7 dimensions. Over time we ascend into becoming multidimensional beings, and as we develop our consciousness, we come to appreciate divinity in the Masculine and Feminine principles of creation and realise that humanity can create heaven on earth. The evolution of the 7 Chakras is the embodiment of light frequency, which is divine conscious awareness living through the physical. Aligning our consciousness to the ‘Great Spirit’ means that anything that is not of the divine order will drop away and what is true becomes clear.
Each dimension is equal in power and importance. Together they are working in an alchemical creation in unity creating life. Although there are other dimensions to be explored it is our human journey to grow or evolve through the 7 chakras and aligning to the 7 dimensions. Whatever is playing out in your world is a reflection of your conscious and unconscious creation. The healing or ascension path is about self awareness, personal management and becoming conscious of your choices and the effects that we have in our own innovation for good or bad. We first become sovereign beings and then we become at one with life. This is peace, joy and love.
Advanced Healing Methods
Cord Cutting
When we go about our lives interacting with the world, we naturally create energetic ties or cords. The more significant the encounter the stronger the tie. Through our energetic cords mostly unknowingly, we continue to exchange information. An indication of an energetic cord could be that someone comes into our minds frequently, we may get a picture or feel about them, or we may even receive a phone call or text. Sometimes, we can experience emotions of the other and mistake them as our own. We can also feel stuck in our lives and not know why.
Most of us go about our lives completely oblivious to our energetic ties. Our energetic bonds can be a good thing, uplifting and strengthening the relationship between ourselves and our loved ones, or they can work against us, leaving us feeling off-centre, confused and tired, or at worst unwell.
During a healing treatment, you be will guided and supported in the cutting or releasing of any energetic cords that are not serving your highest good.
Natural Resins such as Myrrh, Frankincense, Dragons’ Blood, and Palo Santo are burned to give off a beautiful scented smoke. This smoke purifies and cleanses the energetic field, it protects and raises the energetic frequency.
This can be used to clear the energy of a room or a person’s energetic field.
Smudging is normally done between clients and sometimes during treatment.
We pray for you and with you and offer guidance in the discovering the art and power of prayer; prayer is how we align too and communicate with ‘The Great Spirit’. Prayer is healing and brings us into an evolved loving and natural state of being and this is where we find our life’s purpose.
Soul Reading
Guided by intuition the healing therapist is able to witness the energetic patterns and information held about the client in their auric field. The therapist can offer genuine empathy and validation to a client and give deep insight into how the client moves through life challenges and difficult or painful emotions.
Soul Whispering
Soul whispering is a form of divinely guided words talking directly to the unseen parts of your being that need to be acknowledged and healed. It’s like a form of hypnosis operating on the level of the conscious, subconscious, and soul level.
Crystal Dowsing
A crystal pendulum is held over each of the Chakras. The pendulum moves with the energy of the chakras, showing if they are in alignment and if they are energetically in harmony. The alignment and balance of Chakras gives a clear indication of how your health, well-being, and life are working out.
Spiritual Guidance
If you are experiencing a spiritual awakening and feel that you would benefit from some support in your process, then spiritual guidance could be for you.
Emotional Intelligence
The therapist will support you in the relationship with your emotional self, guiding you into understanding the language of your emotions, and how to acknowledge and respect them. Also, how to balance them if they are overbearing or they have numbed out. You will grow to love connecting to your emotional self as well as discovering more about your authenticity and establishing more healthy boundaries. You can also harness more enjoyable emotions to bring about a more satisfying life.
What to expect from Reiki Healing
The Reiki therapist will attune themselves to Reiki before you arrive. You will lay on the couch and the therapist will act as a channel, bringing light frequency mostly through their hands, to your energy points ‘Chakras’. Various Reiki practitioners may combine Reiki with other skill sets and their abilities to channel can give a unique experience in itself. When you book with Dragon Spirit we are confident that you will experience the power and benefit that Reiki can bring to your lives.
Become A Multidimensional Reiki Therapist
You can become a Reiki therapist by attending Reiki workshops levels 1 & 2. During the Reiki workshops you will learn all about Reiki healing and will also receive an Initiation to Reiki from your Reiki Master.
We offer personal and in-depth, supportive Reiki training and other healing workshops for your healing practice.
Are You Experiencing A Spiritual Awakening ?
We can assist you on your path
If you are experiencing a spiritual awakening and feel that you would benefit from some support in your process, then spiritual guidance could be for you. Amber has had experience in the following areas and is able to offer support, along with practical methods in operating with the following:
Psychic developments in adults and children
Kundalini awakening
Transcending the wounded empath
The dark night of the soul
Ghostly activity